Hello everyone…Good news from the kangaroos’ land. Finally, I found a job…it isn’t permanent, just casual job, but it is better than nothing. It is often at nights and weekends, but there are some shifts during weekdays as well. This week…I had a job interview…then…let’s hope that everything goes alright.
Hello everyone…good news da terra dos cangurus. Finalmente, eu consegui um trampo, nao eh permanente, apenas casual, mas ja eh melhor do que nada. Normalmente eh a noite e durante os finais de semana, mas tambem tem alguns “shifts” durante a semana. Nessa semana eu tambem fiz uma entrevista…entao…vamos torcer para tudo dar certo.
Last Saturday, I worked in a rugby game at Anz Stadium, which is located in Olympic Park…yeah…the place where the Olympics Games took place in 2000. Rugby is really, really popular here…for those who don’t know, it is similar to American Football. Well…coming back to the game…it was Australia vs. New Zealand, or Aussie vs. Kiwi and you can say Wallabies vs. All Blacks as well. I particularly prefer All Blacks. Well…when I was there, I worked in the cellar on the corporative suites’ floor. My job was delivering beverages to the suites when they asked for them. By the way…All Blacks won 19 to 18.
No ultimo sabado, eu trabalhei em um jogo de rugby no Anz Stadium que fica no Parque Olimpico…sim…aquele mesmo que recebeu as Olimpiadas de Sydney em 2000. Rugby eh muito, mas muito popular por aqui…para aqueles que nao conhecem…eh similar ao futebol americano. Bom….voltando ao jogo…Australia vs. Nova Zelandia, ou Aussie vs. Kiwi ou voce pode dizer Wallabies vs. All Blacks tambem. Particularmente eu prefiro os All Blacks. Bom…quando eu estive la, eu trabalhei na “adega” do andar dos camarotes corporativos. Meu trabalho era entregar bebidas nos camarotes quando solicitado. A proposito…All Blacks ganhou de 19 a 18.
On Sunday, I went to a Festival in Coogee Beach. The full name was “Australian & Brazil Music Festival”. The best thing about was the food. I ate “feijoada”…yeah… and it was very good. The worst thing was the Brazilians…hehehe…a lot of them, but if you live in Sydney, it is something unavoidable. When I was there, I could notice that the beach was crowded, which is excellent because it means that warmer weather is coming.
No domingo, eu fui a um Festival de Musica na praia de Coogee. O nome inteiro era Australia & Brasil Music Festival. A melhor coisa la foi a comida. Eu comi “feijoada”…yeah…e estava uma delicia. A pior coisa era os brasileiros…hehehe…e tinha um monte deles, mas se voce mora em Sydney, isso eh uma coisa inevitavel. Quando eu estive la, eu pude perceber que a praia estava lotada, o que eh excelente porque significa que o calor esta chegando.
Talking about pictures, I put my best photos on 2 websites. You can see the address below. One of them promotes competitions between their members. There is a competition called “Magic Hour” that I am involved in. I submitted a photo and the voting starts on 31st August. If you are interested…please take a look…I put the link below. I would love it if you voted in my picture, but I understand if you choose another one. By the way…the photo below is the picture that you have to vote if you want to make me happy…hahaha.
Falando de fotografia agora, eu coloquei minha melhores fotos em 2 websites. Voce pode ver o endereco abaixo. Um deles promove competicoes entre seus os associados. Tem uma competicao chamada “Magic Hour” , na qual eu estou participando. Eu entrei com uma foto e a votacao comeca em 31 de agosto. Se voce estiver interessado…por favor…deh uma olhada..eu coloquei o link logo abaixo. Eu adoraria se voce votasse na minha foto, mas eu entendo se voce escolher outra. A proposito…a foto abaixo eh a que voce tem que votar se voce quiser me fazer feliz…hahaha.
Do you remember the volunteer job that I told you about before…the Trailwalker? Well, because I got a job…I had to give up, but just for the moment…I still want to do this. There are a lot of opportunities, yet.
Voces lembram do trabalho voluntario que eu falei antes…o Trailwalker? Bem, por causa do emprego que eu descolei…eu tive que desistir dele, mas apenas momentaneamente…eu ainda quero fazer isso. Ainda tem um monte de oportunidades.
Changing the topic again…everybody remember when I said that 2 girls were coming to live in the flat. Now, there are 6 of us here…or like people say when something is fully booked here….we have full house. However the people, who live with me, are really nice, I need to say that sharing a flat with 5 other people isn’t good…actually it is awful. Again…nothing against my flat mates…they are great. But living with too many people often brings some routine problems like…the fridge is always full and sometimes I can’t find enough space to put my food into it. Another aspect that is really awful is sharing a room and bathroom with 3 other guys…particularly for me, who is used to living alone or with few people…it is the worst part. But I am very adaptable as well, so, I can survive.
Mudando de assunto de novo…todos lembram quando eu disse que 2 mulheres estavam vindo morar no flat. Agora nos somos 6 aqui…ou como as pessoas dizem por aqui…nos temos casa cheia. Apesar das pessoas que moram comigo serem muito legais…o frances e a japa sao doidinhos…hahaha, eu preciso dizer que morar com mais 5 num flat nao eh a melhor coisa do mundo…na verdade eh pessimo. De novo…nada contra meus colegas de flat…eles sao demais. Mas morar com muita gente frequentemente traz alguns problemas de convivio como por exemplo…a geladeira esta sempre cheia e as vezes eu nao acho espaco suficiente para colocar minha comida. Outro aspecto que eh realmente terrivel eh dividir o quarto e o banheiro com mais 3 caras…particularmente pra mim, que estou acostumado a morar sozinho ou com poucas pessoas, eh a pior parte. Mas eu tambem me adapto facil e consigo levar numa boa.
Oh…now I have just remembered something really funny…I think it happens with all Brazilians that go to an English-speaking country. It is about “pull/push”. But firstly, let me explain the meanings of these words for that everybody can understand what I want to say.
Pull = move something towards yourself…in Portuguese we say “puxe”
Push = move something forward…in Portuguese we say “empurre”
The pronunciation of the words “Push” and “Puxe” are the same, however the meaning of these words are the opposite. And inside the Brazilians’ head, when we read “push”, we associated it with “puxe”… it is automatic…hahaha…every fucking Brazilian do this. Then…now you can imagine how many times I have stopped in front of a door and had the dilemma “push, pull, empurre, puxe”…and if you are drunk…hah…prepare to laugh a lot. Now I can say that I have got used to opening a door without any problem, but at the beginning it was really funny.
Oh…eu lembrei de uma coisa realmente engracada…eu acho que isso acontece com todo brasileiro que vai para um pais de lingua inglesa. E sobre “pull/push”. Mas primeiro, deixa eu explicar o significado dessas palavras para todo mundo entender o que eu quero dizer.
pull = puxar………………push = empurrar
A pronuncia das palavras “push” e “puxe” eh a mesma, apesar do significado ser o oposto. E dentro da cabeca do brasileiro, quando nos lemos “push”, nos associamos com “puxe”…eh automatico…todo maldito brasileiro faz isso. Entao…agora voce pode imaginar quantas vezes eu parei em frente de uma porta e tive o dilema “push, pull, empurre, puxe”…e se voce estiver bebado entao…xiii...se prepare para dar muita risada. Agora eu posso dizer que estou acostumado a abrir portas sem nenhum problema, mas no comeco era muito engracado.
That is all by now. (Isso eh tudo por enquanto)
I miss you all.
Australian Casper.
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